Thursday, August 17, 2006

and that was a year ago.

i decided to click on the aug 2005 link at my archives and fish out 10 random happenings 1 year ago. define 1 year, i sure grew a great deal. these are some random stuff that happened last aug.

1. got my palm read at a little stall outside the convention center. i remember danial and a few others were there too.

2. bought the panasonic VS2 and started taking lots of pictures with it.

3. got B for radio assignment and 6.5/15 for writt comm assignment.

4. liked this girl from CJC.

5. shear permed her hair for 400 bucks.

6. performed my first concert at the CJC Performing Arts Center opening.

7. enjoyed work at BottleTree Village.

8. saw Fiona Xie

9. on my to-do list was "socpsy journal 2. stereo assignment. capsule assignment. tag-team speech with lucas. tag-team proposal assignment with selene. IS presentation. socpsy test. IAC project to be wrapped up. all in three weeks time."

10. missed ah toon.

owell, i guess life moves on really fast. maybe i should do this 10 random recalls every first day of the month.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

he is sick of it all

he is confused. the hard facts of reality threw him into a state of discomfort. life is absolutely enervating, no doubt about that. he wish he has control over everything. no one can teach him the way of life, for he knows what he wants exactly. yet, everyone needs guidance. and its annoying when the guidance doesnt match the initial plans. for immediately, he feels lost. lost in life, lost in society, lost in the tradition of what is right and what is wrong. lost in the fabricated truth, lost in the subtle propaganda, lost in the masked fronts. lost in the loved ones, lost in the people he loves, lost in the love he desires. lost in the illusion, or is the fairytale? actually, life is the word to use. he is lost. totally. fret not, for there is time to ponder. hope he will make good use of it, for time wont wait for him. it never did.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

pippo, pippo...

i feel quite uneasy that pippo passed away. anyway, pippo is one of danial's cat. though i aint with the cats everyday, but i shared danial's excitement not too long ago when he found out that his kitty was pregnant, following which gave birth to a bunch of really cute kittiens. stories from him and his mum on how he cleared his room and all, blah blah~ it was fun and playing with kittens is always one of the most enjoyable things to do ever.

so the next time i go to danial's house, i wouldnt be able to call my favourite cat's name. i would miss going pippo, pippo, expecting it to come to me when i call him, but the fact is even danial dont get this previlege many times. and i got this picture of joel carrying one of danial's cats. i wonder if its pippo...

ok, this picture is rather off. but yea, i will miss you pippo.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

my ah gong is bored.

ah gong, i am sure you will get well soon.

but you really got to watch your diet or things wont be good for you at all.

all right, we are so gonna do the website and get it over and done with. i cant believe this semester is going to be over sooo soon.

hell yea.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Happy Birthday ALL!

aint august a hardcore birthday month!

Happy Birthday to...

Singapore, my sister;Tok JiaYing, Joel, Cheryl, Shuying, Weiling, Cat, Joyce and today is Charity's.

i cant wait for the holidays to come, its just 1 more week.

and i like this picture which i developed today, the rest are sucky as usual.
all right i am gonna sleep first and write tomorrow.