say cheese.....
i am going to be a good boyfriend for the next two months and invest lots of time into my relationship. this is my new girlfriend. it electricifies me. woohoo. the first picture of my complete electric set. an Ibanez guitar and a Marshall amplifier. complete with steve vai's signature. woohoo. this is damn cool~
but. i play electric guitar like shit now. really got to train up. i am going to play my classical and my electric 3 hours each everyday. at least i hope.... =) this mini guitar is a gift by guitar club for thanking me rendering them the help this for the PAC's opening. actually. i should be the one thanking them for giving me the chance to perform with them. too bad i cannot play this....
i think i am so lucky to be able to play the guitar. to be able to persue my passion. cause there are people in singapore whom are going through really difficult lifes. and i really feel sorry for them. i took this picture outside the toilet. this old auntie is munching on a bread at one corner just outside the toilet. i think its damn sad for her.... i felt like giving her 2 bucks to buy kopi. but. i didnt have loose change with me at that time. i hope i will not lead such a life after i am old....
this old uncle is certainly luckier. he seem to be educated as he is reading a chinese book that seem really difficult to understand. the characters are so small....! maybe he love to read. i love to play the guitar. i hope i will still be playing when i reach this age.
bad grammar.? i aint sure.... someone 'enlighten' me.....
i had to wear formal attire for yesterday's speech presentation. i think i look really bad. but. its not my fault. its the shirt.... anyway. i got two person serving me here. whahahaha....! (shit. i look super spardstic)
cool~ a bunch of 20+ for us cat high ex 4-4 er's turned up at newton's circle on thursday to celebrate teacher's day with miss seah. the pictures taken sucks cause the background street lights were way too bright. i felt bad for leaving selene in the library to do the proposal essay. but. there is just no way i can miss this. i miss cat high days....
the ultimate aim for this holiday is to be happy. i hope i can be happy everyday. my life wouldnt be the same without you. thank you all for being in my life. for colouring up my life....
my family...
my T108 fellow classmates...
my guitar club dears...
my cat high gentlemens...
everyone... thanks alot..
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