Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy(Hectic) Teacher's Day...!!!!

tomorrow is 1st september. its teacher's day. for the past 2 years. i would be shopping for gifts for our teachers at this point of time. i remember shopping at Junction 8 with my classmates for gifts last year. in the end. we bought a pencil-case for miss seah. a brooch for U.S.A edition of FHM for mr lin. actually. i hope i can be back at cat high at this point of time with my friends too. but. i got 3 projects to finish by fri. two of which i haven really started yet. so. guess. i would have to do my thanks-giving on this little space of mine on 'yetnamed'.

when i was in sec 1 and sec 2. teachers day would be really exciting. the bunch of chongfu pri kids in catholic high would examine every single possible way to pon the concert and go back to chongfu as soon as possible. i remember bumping into mr Goh one of the year and he said something like....

''what ever Happy Teachers Day you all said are all bullshit.!".... well. i am sorry....

i think teachers play a very important role in our life as singapore kids due to the nature of our education system. i am sure i talk more to my teachers than i ever talked to my dad. there are some teachers that i really like. and i really respect them alot. like my own grandfather....

Happy Teacher's Day Mr Lee Chang Hong.
i will always remember you as the teacher that never fail to wear a smile on your face. you are one of the most experienced and patient teachers i ever met. anyway. mr lee is the most senior teacher is cat high. in fact. he has been teaching in cat high for more than 3 decades if i am not wrong. i know my maths sucks to the core. but. thanks for your time for your one-on-one maths extra lesson. i really appericated it....thanks alot.

if all my maths teachers remember me in future. it would be how my maths sucks. actually. i myself cant understand how my maths can suck like this for someone with relatively high IQ level. i dont believe in the bullshit that you can succeed in everything in life as long as you try hard enough.

its bullshit......

i believe there are certain things in life one just cannot do. for example. some cannot sing for nuts. some cannot do IT stuff for nuts except friendster. MSN chat. and maybe blogging. i can do maths for nuts. and i admit it.

"Failure is when your best just aint good enough"- someone

i think i tried quite abit for my amaths. but..... cant make it.

Happy Teacher's Day Mrs Tay.
mrs tay was my sec 3 and 4 maths teacher. she is great. she tried her best to help me when i was drowning in sec 3. my amths really sucked. i remember myself only know how to answer one question n my sec 3 final year amaths exam. in the end. i slept through the whole paper and ended up getting 7/100 for my amaths. damn loser.... though i dropped amaths eventually. i still wanna thank mrs tay for all her guidance and patience. anyway. mrs tay is now the (acting) vice- principal for catholic high school. she is great. thanks mrs tay.

yea. that's why sometimes when some people ask me when do you seem to like catholic high school so much.? or. what do you think is so great about catholic high school.?

we dont have the best facilities. we dont have the best ranking. (improving alot every year. 7th place currently. including all the through-train school) we dont have the best wadever.....

BUT. i dare say we have one of the best pool of staff in singapore. the (most of the) teachers in catholic high rocks. at least no one ever seem to have gave up on me. but. there are always rotten apple around....sad but true.

i dont think you ever deserve to be wished a happy teachers day. you suck. you are the lousiest teacher i ever came across. and one of the lousiest person in term of personality. i think wongdog killed a very important part of me. the sporty part of me. i used to look forward to every training session. i love to run. i love it. but. when i didnt perform up to national standard. he killed all my morale. he killed the running part in me. that is the reason i quit X-country in sec 2. i dont even see the need to train myself extra hard to prove him wrong or anything. he is not even worth my effort. but. i am glad i happily kept the running JJ and took up guitar playing in sec 3.

Happy Teacher's Day Miss Seah.
i still got no idea if the dinner tomorrow will still go on. i hope it will can i will be able to make it with all my work done. hopefully. i know you have went through a very difficult of your life the past few months. i know life probably sucked big time for you. but. i am sure you will get over everything. i must admit. i really dont like certain experiences with you.(times when we argue. times when you PMS) but. i certainly thank you alot as a teacher. thanks for the chances you gave me during my 2 years in 3-4 and 4-4. thanks for the chance to lead the class. thanks for the chance to organise. thanks miss seah.

this is a long and personal entry. but. i think its rather reflective. actually. teachers day is the day for everyone too. as.

'whatever you know. you are a teacher.
whatever you dont know. you are a student'

everyone is a teacher. cheers.~


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