Tuesday, January 24, 2006


there are certain point of time in life, i suddenly step on the brake and stop to think. i never fail to feel empty, emotional and nostalgia. i hate to say it, but i feel like crying. i remember the last time i cried really hard was 4 years ago. yet it seem so much like yesterday....

i returned home from school to hear news from my mum that my auntie had passed away. how the hell is that possible, i saw her not long ago and she was perfectly fine. what happened? apparently, she suffered from a sudden burst blood vessel. so, she left the family, the world, like an item of a magic show.

i cried really hard that day, i couldnt control it. all the emotions just came out, i know exactly why did i cry. i was damn scared.... totally freaked out in fact. burst blood vessel? what the hell? why did this had to happen to someone i am so close to? fuck, i hate life. i question god.

my uncle is a man, he supressed all his emotions. he didnt have a chance to cry, he was busy with the preparations of the funeral. more importantly, he has 5 kids to look after. (3 are his own, the other 2 are kinda 'adopted'. its a long story) he cant collapse, but that year's chinese new year.... he totally broke down after a few cans of beer. this is the first time i see a man in such a pitiful state, you will just feel like hugging him and tell him everything will be all right. time will heal, allow time to heal.

everyday is a rush, apparently a rush to meet other's expectations of me. a mad rush to prove myself, my worth, my values. where am i heading in life? i may know i want to work in the media, but is this enough? how am i going to lead my life in future? the typical singapore way where i will buy a shelter, a car, start a family, feed the family, and pray that my children will feed me back when i am old am worthless?

i think i need a big hug and possibly a good cryout. but my uncle is the man. as for my auntie, rest in peace for everything cant be any better. god bless.


Blogger lambie said...

hey. don't sad.
it's all part and parcel of life..

12:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea look at me man!

chill, tmr will be a better day " )

5:22 pm  

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