Sunday, November 13, 2005

5 random facts.... not wierd at all

as usual. i surf the net. i read other people's blog. i marvel at their grandiloquent style of writing. and i saw this latest fashion. a chain-link-related-to-blog kinda thing. i am doing it immediately cause there is always a 'curse' attached to this kinda thing.

years ago when forwarding e-mail was this 'really cool' thing to do. gosh. i hated the whole thing to the core. they are soooo soo good with coming up with attention catching headings. get you to open the mail....

read some really touching/interesting stuff.... and at the end.

''if you forward this mail to 25 friends in 3 days. you will find your true love very soon. however. if you dont do so. you will not find your true love in the next 3 years.''

FUCK. i never forward any mails before. i think its bullshit. but come to think of it. maybe that is the reason why i @#$%. anyway. here i go.

post 5 random or wierd facts about yourself.

1. i got the best mama in the world. the does mani-cure and paddy-cure. (yea. i told you she is the best.!) for me. so. i am 17 years old. but i have never trim my own nail before. just to add on. my sis and bro trim their own nails. not that my mama is bias. (she is the best.!) just that they will trim by bitting off their own nails.

2. i got really serious bow-legs problem. my legs aint straight. and people dont really realise it. cause i wear long pants most of the time now. i always believe that if i straighten my bow legs i would be taller.

3. i was 170cm when i was primary 6. i was like the giant of the class. why am i so tall.? i know exactly why. i used to be in the skipping club. and i got lots of trophies at home for skipping. i was champion for 3 years straight for the school's skipping competition. and one year i got zone champion for the speed skipping competition. so. my height rocketed when i did skipping. but after that. i grew 1 cm per year. WTF. (to those whom are thinking of getting a rope. forget it. we are all beyond that stage of growing taller...)

4. actually. i am a really quiet person.... but i got complain for 'dont-know' how many years that i am a chatterbox. it depends on my mood.

5. i take really long to come up with a blog entry sometimes.

so. the 5 person i hope can do this too will be....

Crystal.- crystal was too random.
Rachel.- well. if you are reading this. of course.
Joel.- just do it.
Yongxin.- do it. it will bring good luck to your 'A' levels.
Grace (Dajie).- its time you update your blog man...

k. actually. i am just being random here. everyone should do it. and so we can know this other better. (note the attempt to be politically correct.)


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